Sunday 11 October 2009

Raising Aspirations

I was asked to do a conference in Grimsby on Friday. The day was called Raising Aspirations and was well attended and evaluated. It was great to have a whole day to explore with people their concerns, hopes and plans for their lives. I cant wait for the next one. Well done Grimsby.

New Website

The new website is now running, please do take a look and let me have your feedback. Have a great day!

Tuesday 8 September 2009

At last my new website is now have a look and let me have any feedback - good and bad? Any feedback would be useful...what would you like to see on there.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Friday 31 July 2009

Training on Presentation Skills and Public Speaking...

The number one worst fear is speaking before a group - it ranks above; flying, financial problems and death. (Book of Lists, Wallechinsky et al, 1977, Morrow & Co, New York).

Not surprising then that many people need support. Training is relevant for all and particularly new managers or people starting new businesses. Our training which can include one to one coaching is aimed at both the beginner and advanced levels. For beginners courses include:
  • Knowing how to plan and structure a cohesive presentation
  • How to engage the audience and build rapport using their perspective – “The listener train of thought”
  • How to overcome nerves and feel more confident when presenting
  • How to use your non verbal communication (body language) to maximum effect

Advanced courses include:

  • Using innovative structures and change of pace for maximum impact
  • Being an “exciting communicator” presenting enthusiastically & persuasively
  • Refining your style to create even more effective ways of engaging your audience
  • Making sure that your messages stick and that they are the messages you intended
Training offers the participants chance to explore and practice these essential skills in a safe and supportive environment with a qualified and experienced trainer.Participants report rapid change in skills and confidence, which also translates to other parts of their work and life.

The Little Book of Positive Thoughts

“The Little Book of Positive Thoughts” by Rob P Brown and Rick Armstrong is a little book that is packed with positive messages that you can read time after time and still find something new; a different perspective, a stroke of inspiration, a spark to ignite your motivation, something to make your business day more successful and your life a lot happier.

Whether in your business day or life in general, opportunities abound but sometimes you just need a bit of a shove to truly see the potential that exists.

“The Little Book of Positive Thoughts is anything but ‘little’ when it comes to the big ways that it can inspire positive change. It is simple, profound, and powerful and it is the freshest approach to motivating people toward achieving higher levels of success that I’ve seen in years.”
- Ivan Misner
NY Times Best selling author and Founder of Business Network International (BNI).

Order online for £4.99 at

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Self Esteem

Self-esteem is the very essence of our being. It has many facets which include how we see ourselves and how we think others see us, how much we value ourselves, how confident we are, how we perceive our role in society and ultimately our motivation and will to live.

Self esteem is not fixed; it is affected by a host of factors. Rob P Brown has been delivering courses around the UK and Ireland since 2000. He has worked with over 3500 people not only to understand and develop their own self esteem but to transfer these skills to others they know and work with.

People who have attended training include: teachers, youth workers, nursery teams, police officers, business managers, Prison Service and Youth Offending Teams, people starting a business, self employed, students, NHS teams and Local Authority staff.Courses are 100% positively evaluated and Rob is now training trainers in these proven techniques. He regularly delivers conference speeches and workshops and is also the author of two books.